December…in your garden

Thorngrove expert Chris Francis is here with his final garden jobs of 2020!

As we are fast approaching the Shortest day of the year you will need work to keep you warm outside such as digging and tree pruning. Hopefully there are not too many jobs left to do this year so lets have a look…

  • Check your Winter protection structures are still secure and in place, these are things like tree stakes and trellis, also if you have put bubble wrap or fleece around tender plants make sure its secure.
  • Check your Greenhouse heaters to make sure they’re in working order ready for those cold frosty nights.
  • Insulate your outside taps to prevent them from freezing.
  • It’s a good time to prune your open-grown apples and pears (but not those trained against walls).
  • Also you can prune your Acers, Birches and vines – do this before Christmas to prevent the plants from bleeding.
  • Harvest your leeks, parsnips, Winter cabbage, Sprouts and any remaining root crops.
  • There is still time to plant deciduous trees and shrubs, or if you have some you want to move now is a good time to do it.
  • It’s a good time to take Hardwood cutting such as Dogwood (Cornus) Ribes, and Buddlejas just to name a few!
  • If you are able to get some nice well rotted Farmyard manure, do so and spread it all over your veg plots so the worms and weather can break it down ready for next Spring – you can even put it around your roses.
  • Don’t forget to feed the birds! Food is scarce for them this time of year, so they’ll appreciate it. Also – a little tip – place your feeders by your roses so the hungry birds will pick off overwintering pests!
  • If you are overwintering stored bulbs and corms check regularly for signs of rot.

So these are just a few things to be getting on with, and may I take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and New Year from myself and everyone at Thorngrove Garden Centre! We have lots of seasonal plants and gifts available, so do stop by this December. We’ll see you soon!




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Thorngrove Garden Centre

Thorngrove Garden Centre