Winter flowers Hamamelis Jelena


Enjoying your garden this winter

Here at Thorngrove our team are busy working away filling the Garden Centre with an array of winter plants.

There are many ways in which time spent in the garden during winter can be rewarding, here are our top 10 reasons for getting out the gardening gloves.


  1. Bareroot plants. The winter months are the perfect time to plant out many different types of fruit trees, roses and hedges, in preparation for the spring.


  1. Enjoy those winter blooms, gardens don’t have to be dark and gloomy even if the weather is, with an array of winter colour available, from cyclamen, to snowdrops and crocus, all perfectly suited to colder months.


  1. Time to prep. As Rudyard Kipling once said, “Gardens are not made by singing Oh how beautiful and sitting in the shade’. Winter is the best time to check your tools, sharpen the shears, and maintain your mower, why not treat yourself to some new accessories and start planning for spring.


  1. Look after the wild life. Many birds rely on overwinter feeding, why not leave out calorie dense seeds, nuts and fruit, or alternatively make your own fat balls. You can keep a small dish of clean water out for hedgehogs that may wake up and leave piles of leaves and branches undisturbed to help them continue to hibernate.


  1. Make the garden bee friendly, a gardener’s best friend is the humble bee, helping to pollinate fruits and berries, and are essential to our ecosystem, many hibernate over winter. Give bees the best chance of survival and leave leaf and twig piles in a corner, allow some ivy to grow and plant some winter flowering plants.


  1. If you don’t have the space but still love to garden, there are plenty of ways to brighten up a yard, patio, or even window box, with colour and texture during the coldest months. For colour, why not plant different shades of heather, or lush evergreens.


  1. Bring the outside in. There are just some days when getting out into the garden is not possible, but you can fill your home with beautiful plants that last all year round and brighten up even the darkest of winter days, succulents are perfect low maintenance indoor plants that come in a huge variety of sizes and colours.


  1. It doesn’t take much space to plant a harvest, and even the smallest of gardens can bring in a bounty of fruit, vegetables and herbs. Winter is the perfect time to plant indoor seeds such as carrots, kale and garlic ready for spring sowing, or start with micro-greens on a window shelf which are ready in a few days


  1. Stave off the winter blues. It is easy to feel like winter never ends, but studies have shown that gardening is good for not only your physical health but your mental health too. It allows us a place to nurture something and watch it thrive, so wrap up warm and get planting.


  1. Hard work pays off. What you put into your garden in the winter, will reward you throughout the rest of the year. From protecting plants from frost, to planting up winter blooms and maintaining your tools, you will soon be sitting back and relaxing in the hazy lazy days of summer


For more inspiration and advice on how to get the most of your winter garden and the plants and flowers we have at Thorngrove to add some colour and texture in the next few months, head over to our Facebook or Instagram pages. 





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Thorngrove Garden Centre

Thorngrove Garden Centre