Gardening Tips – September 2022

The new season approaches and Thorngrove’s Glasshouse manager Chris Francis is on hand once again for gardening tips in September!

“It doesn’t feel like a month ago I was giving you tips for August and yet here we are in September! Here at Thorngrove we’ve been busy potting up winter cyclamen, pansies and violas ready for the Autumn. Here’s a few tips to keep you busy in the garden this month, and make the most of this transitional period


  • Now is the time to sow your Sweetpeas in a cold frame or Greenhouse for early Summer blooms next year.
  • Sow other hardy annuals such as Calendula, Centaurea, Limanthes and poppies in Situ.
  • If you sowed any Spring-flowering biennials such as viola, Digitalis or Erysimum, earlier in the summer, they will now need planting out.
  • It’s also a good time to plant out new perennials as the soil is still warm but moisture levels are increasing.
  • Don’t neglect your hanging baskets maintenance as a little dead heading, watering and feeding can keep them going until mid-autumn! Once they have gone past their best, re-plant as Winter/Spring hanging baskets with Spring-flowering bulbs, Winter heathers, trailing Ivies and Spring-flowering plants. (see our large range of Winter plants and Bulbs at Thorngrove!)
  • Continue to dead head plants such as Dahlias, Delphiniums and Penstemons to prolong the display and colour which will last well into the month.
  • Divide any over grown Alpines and Herbaceous perennials such as Crocosmias, this will invigorate them and improve flowering next year.
  • Take cuttings of Tender perennials such as Pelargoniums and Osteospermums.
  • Plant Spring flowering bulbs (come and see our selection at Thorngrove)

Pests and Diseases

  • Watch out for White rust on Chrysanthemums.
  • If you see distortion in your Phlox this could indicate the presence of Phlox eelworm.
  • Powdery Mildew can still be a problem in a dry and warm September.

There’s a number of ways to tackle these issues and we have some pest and disease control products in the shop here at Thorngrove which’ll make it nice and easy! Many of our products and are child and pet safe too.

Fruit and Veg

  • If you have them, pick your Autumn Raspberries!
  • Dig up any remaining potatoes before slug damage spoils them
  • Cover leafy vegetable crops with bird-proof netting


  • Start to reduce the frequency of your Houseplant watering.


  • Net your ponds now before leaf fall gets under way

Of course, everyone’s garden space is different, and if there’s some particular advice you’re looking for, please do stop by! Myself, or any of the Thorngrove staff love to give tips and ideas, and we’d be happy to help. Have a great September everyone!”



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Thorngrove Garden Centre

Thorngrove Garden Centre