June in your garden…

Chris and Diane are back for June with more tips on how to make the most of your garden!

  • Snip of dead rose heads and keep them sprayed for black spot and mildew
  • Pinch out the side shoots of your tomatoes and, now you can start to feed them
  • Weeds are growing fast so be sure to hoe borders regularly to keep them at bay!
  • You can now harvest lettuce, radish and other salads – keep sowing these in succession and dig up your early potatoes
  • Plant out your summer bedding now. The threat of frosts is over and you can really start to fill out your beds and borders. We still have lots to choose from at Thorngrove so come and have a look at our range.

  • Remember to mow your lawns regularly – at least once a fortnight if possible. This will ensure healthy growth and keep them green! It’s best to avoid taking off more than one third of the grass with each mow.
  • With the warmer weather arriving, you can also place out your summer containers and baskets. We have lots of ready made baskets for sale at TG, but if you’re just looking to fill them, why not try some begonias, which are also looking lovely right now

  • Stake you tall and floppy shrubs. This will provide them with the extra support, especially on those windy days, which we do get plenty of!
  • Now’s a good time to prune spring flower shrubs like forsythias
  • If you want to grow your own plants next year such as wallflowers, pansies and bellis, they need to be sown between May and July in order to flower next spring. So pick them a spot this month and get prepared to sow next month. We can advise you if need be! Just stop by for a chat.

Pests to keep an eye out for in June

  • Lily beetle will be active now so, inspect your lilies for the scarlet beetle whose larvae can strip a plant in days, pick them off with your hands and crush them.
  • Vine weevil larvae are also active, so keep an eye on your containerised plants
  • Aphids multiply rapidly in summer, remove early infestation by hand to prevent the problem getting out of control.
  • Continue to protect little delphiniums, Hostas and other susceptible plants from slugs and snails.

We have a range of pest control products at Thorngrove that may help.

Hopefully that’s enough tips to keep you busy for June, but as mentioned, if you need any further help, please don’t hesitate to pop in and ask. We’ll be glad to help!



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Thorngrove Garden Centre

Thorngrove Garden Centre