National Children’s Gardening Week

It’s National Children’s Gardening Week!

Encouraging young people to learn and gain experience in the world of plants and horticulture is a huge part of what we’re about here at Thorngrove Garden Centre, and whether it’s young adults, or young children, there are proven benefits for everyone when getting outdoors, and being creative in the garden.

As part of National Children’s Gardening Week, we’re running a competition – and have 10 prizes to give away. (full details can be found here:

Need some inspiration for easy and engaging things to do with the small ones in your garden space or home? Visit our website and read on! (link in the comments).

Fairy or Gnome Garden: Help children create a miniature garden for fairies or gnomes. They can design and decorate the garden with small houses, fences, and tiny accessories like fairy furniture or gnome tools.

Herb Planters: Let children paint and decorate their own herb planters using terracotta pots or recycled containers. Then, assist them in planting herbs like mint, parsley, or chives. They can use these herbs in cooking or making herbal teas.

Flower Pressing: Teach children about preserving flowers by making a flower press. Collect flowers with them, place them between layers of absorbent paper, and press them using heavy books. After a few weeks, they can use the pressed flowers for crafts or create a flower journal.

Seed Bombs: Engage the little ones in making seed bombs to spread wildflowers in their garden or other designated areas. Mix clay, compost, and wildflower seeds, shape them into small balls, and let them dry. When thrown onto soil, the seed bombs will break apart and grow into colourful flowers.

Garden Scavenger Hunt: Create a garden-themed scavenger hunt for children to explore and discover various elements in the garden. Provide them with a list of items to find, such as different types of flowers, insects, or specific plants. This activity encourages observation and curiosity.

Butterfly Feeder: Help them make a butterfly feeder to attract and nourish butterflies. Cut out colourful sponges or pieces of fruit and place them on a shallow dish with sugar water. Hang the feeder in the garden and observe the butterflies that come to enjoy the treat.

Upcycled Bird Feeders: Encourage children to create bird feeders using recycled materials such as plastic bottles, milk cartons, or pinecones. They can decorate them and fill them with birdseed or homemade bird-friendly treats like peanut butter and seeds.

Terrariums: Teach children about the water cycle and ecosystems by helping them create terrariums. Use glass containers, layer gravel, activated charcoal, potting soil, and small plants like ferns or moss. They can observe the plants’ growth and the water cycle within the closed system.

Garden Art: Encourage children to create garden art using natural materials like rocks, leaves, or flowers. They can make rock sculptures, leaf prints, or flower mandalas. This activity allows them to express their creativity and connect with nature… or if you want to make it really easy, some pavement / patio chalk can produce some interesting results!

Remember to tailor the projects to the age and abilities of the children and provide them with appropriate tools and materials. These projects offer a blend of creativity, learning, and hands-on experiences in the garden.

If you need anything to help you, stop by Thorngrove here in Gillingham for all your garden essentials, and a whole range of unique items which you can work into projects with the little ones.

Please consider entering our competition on facebook to share the results of your projects. Good luck, and have fun!


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Thorngrove Garden Centre

Thorngrove Garden Centre